Monday, September 5, 2016

Life is Good, Appreciate It

You could die reading this blog post. A huge bomb that was sent from North Korea could be coming your way right now and you would have no idea. So since these are your last moments on earth, I have a few questions for you. Are you happy with the way you have been living your life to this point? Have you lived most of the moments of your life doing things that are enjoyable to you? Have you left positive impressions on strangers and friends? Are you content with your life currently? If not, why aren't you changing it? I understand it's hard to change your daily pattern of being zombie and doing your routine, but it's possible to change it. The point I'm trying to make is that your life could literally end at any point in time and I just want to plead with you readers that I care about you and I want you to live your life to the fullest while you're still here on this planet.

Living your life to the fullest can have different meanings to every individual. Some people may think that living your life to the fullest requires you to go out and be adventurous and discover the world. Some people may think that it means to be happy every single second of everyday. You have should have your own idea of what living your life to the fullest means and try to it to the best of your ability. I'm going to tell you what my own personal thoughts on the subject are because this is my blog and I can do that. I think that living your life to the fullest means that you have ups and downs, there is good and bad in your life, you take the bad with a grain of salt and continue to live your life. If you don't cry, laugh, hate, love, feel, smell, taste, want, or need, then what are you doing? Why aren't you feeling those things? Part of life is actually living it. Events are going to happen that make you sad, somebody is going to die, your significant other will break up with you, you won't get the job that you really wanted. I'm sorry that life is unfair and those things are going to happen, but continue to live your life after that. There are still amazing things happening in your life that you can get you through it. Also, losing things is a part of life, people leave, opportunities don't always pan out, but you tried and you lived. You tried to get that job and put your best effort in. That is what living your life to the fullest is, putting in good effort to things that matter to you and even for some things that do not. People dying is always one of the hardest things in life, but unfortunately, it's a part of it. Enjoy every moment you spend with everyone because we don't know when that bomb from North Korea is coming. I've always said that when my dad dies that I'm not going to be sad. He's always been a big picture guy, so when he dies, which hopefully isn't for a long time, he's going to Heaven and that is what every Christian wants, so in the big picture, he's getting what he wants. It would be selfish of me to want him to be on this earth forever, when there is a place better than here. Now obviously, I'm going to be sad when he dies, but I know that I have lived life to the fullest with him while he's here. I know that I live my life to the fullest with everyone. I have confidence in that and I want you to have confidence in that, too.

On a different note, there are times when life can be rough. Life sucks sometimes and there are days that you're going to hate your life on occasion. In general though, make the most out of the time that you have here. Life is beautiful, a baby's laugh, a puppy's yelp, or the feeling you get after helping someone, those are just a few examples that make life beautiful. The days that you are sad or feeling down, just remember that life is good. I feel like people can get so run-down from the things that the media puts on every single day, whether it's another terrorism attack or a natural disaster, I just feel that the good things in life aren't highlighted enough. I just want to remind readers that life can be amazing. There are beautiful things that happen every day and sometimes we don't open our eyes to everyday occurrences. So my final thought for this post, is to your life the way you want to live it and don't forget to take a second and realize that it is a blessing that you woke up alive.


  1. Okay really, really great attention getter here! It definitely made me want to read more and woke me up a little bit (literally). I think it's important for everyone to have little reminders like this that life is valuable.

  2. I couldn't agree with you more. Loads of people probably don't realize how blessed they are. Sadly, I think I belong to this group too now and then.. But reminders like these sure help me to remember that I can be happy with life!
