Sunday, November 13, 2016

How a Business Should Respond to Their Consumers

If a business is on any social media platform, they should be active in responding to their consumers. In the book we are reading, "Measure What Matters," the author discusses the different levels of engagement that consumers interact with a business on social media. The five types of engagement that the author lists include: lurking, casual, active, committed and loyalist.

Lurking is when a consumer likes posts or bookmarks the web page. There is no brand loyalty involved and little benefits are given. A casual consumer subscribes to blogs, follows you on Twitter and might even suggest a page to a friend. This is where most relationships end between a consumer and a business. An active consumer retweets news, uses Twitter hashtags and actively participates in Facebook and on the blog. Both parties provide benefits because they are concerned for the welfare of the other. Committed consumers trust the relationship enough to provide identity for membership or registration. Loyalists are 100% committed to the relationship and strictly buy from the company.

Businesses can be successful on social media if they understand what kind of consumers they have and how to promote to them. An organization can measure how these customers affect their business as well. Keeping updated on your social media and the type of consumers you have is an effective way to continue your business's success.

1 comment:

  1. In my mind I guess I thought that social media was a big concept that all big companies use to reach out to their costumer. But thanks to this class I have realized that although most companies have some sort of social media front they don't always use it. I have to agree with you that businesses should be active if they have any social media fronts.
