Tuesday, November 8, 2016

You Can Measure Anything

We are reading a new book in class this week called "Measure What Matters" by Katie Paine. It again is a book about social media and how to effectively use different kinds of platforms. The first chapter in this book discusses why it is important to measure statistics of a business. First off, measurement takes totals from inventory, profits, ads and stories that they are mentioned in and analyze what they mean and use that meaning to improve business practices. The author discusses that it is very easy to measure how a company is doing on social media and it is a cheap and quick way to improve your business.

Businesses that measure what matters are more likely to grow and thrive. Once you measure where your business is being effective, then you get plan on the best areas to allocate your resources. You can rely on your gut as long as you want, but if you provide data and facts, everybody is more likely to come to a consensus around the ideas instead of just trusting your gut. Organizations that measure their marketing efforts do better than those that don't. Measure your results and your business will receive the benefits.

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