Thursday, November 17, 2016

New Update from Twitter Leads to Less Hatred, Supposedly

If you haven't heard about this yet, there was an update for Twitter with a cool, new feature. If you are tired of this election, just like everyone else, or maybe you really don't want to see any tweets on your timeline about Tom Cruise because you don't like Scientologists, then this feature is for you. You can now filter out hate from your notifications and block tweets containing specific words. The only problem with this is that the tweets containing the "muted" words will still appear on your timeline but just not in your mentions. Twitter has been known for a place that is for free-speech and many take this to be a place for hatred.

Well people on Twitter can filter out any words that they want to it won't work. People are always going to be spewing hatred in any way. I understand why Twitter would implement this new update, so that they can say they are trying to help the people feeling attacked by tweets. I just think it is ridiculous that people feel attacked by cowards on social media. In my opinion, which this my blog so I am allowed to post my opinion, people are big babies on both sides of that argument. Someone who is putting hatred behind a phone screen is a coward and you for listening to it are. You are a strong person and anyone who puts hate on you like that doesn't deserve your time so just block them if you want or if you see a tweet that you didn't want to see, ignore it. Congratulations Twitter on taking a stand and filtering out words that could hurt people, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad Twitter is implementing this. It's too often I just have to turn off my phone and walk away because there is so much hate. Maybe now it'll be easier for those people who use social media to keep in touch with friends to do so without the negative posts.
