Monday, October 3, 2016

3 Reasons to Stay Updated in What is Going On in the World and How to Do It

I have said this many times before on this blog but I think it is very relevant information; this world is a wild and crazy place. Laws are changing, people are born, celebrities break up with each other and it is almost impossible to keep up with these events while they are happening. But, we must try because it is very important to know what is going on in the world. Here are 3 reasons to keep up and how to do it.

1. Things are Always Changing 

The world is a very fast-moving place. The stock market changes every second. Hundreds of thousands of babies are born. A political official will say something stupid. Having news applications on your phone like Fox News or CNN will give you a great update and notify you if something important in the world happens. I have Fox News and they send me push notifications, so my phone vibrates every time a major event comes to their attention.

 2. It's a Great Conversation Starter 

If you work in a cubicle and need to escape your section of home for 9 hours out of the day to go to the water cooler, new topics are always a need. Quit gossiping about how Becky hasn't slept at her place all week and talk about the latest Vice Presidential Debate tonight and if you are going to watch it or not. You can find out what the newest programs or key events on television like the debate by watching TV or just getting on Facebook while you are behind your computer screen. The amount of advertisements and sponsored promotions are actually annoying, but they can be helpful on letting you know what is going on. 

3. You Don't Want to Look Stupid 

Whether it be talking to your boss in the office or talking to your spouse in your pajamas in the comfort of your home, there is always the possibility of someone bringing up current events. Especially when you are trying to sweet talk your boss because of that big promotion that could be headed your way. If your boss asks you what you think about that current buyout of Cabela's by Bass Pro Shops and you have no idea what he is talking about, that might make you seem less like the candidate he wants and the position might go to that guy Ted in sales who is always cracking those corny jokes. How does that make you feel? 

In general, it's pretty easy to stay somewhat up to date on current news. Unless your profession is journalism, it's okay to be a little behind. Try to stay current though because it is important to know what is going on. Look at your phone, watch the news and even get on Facebook because with this high-flying society, you never know what you might miss.